Fight on Okinawa Day and May Day

Japanese imperialism has stepped into an “unprecedented height” of imperialist alliance toward aggressive war on China by the summit talk between the Kishida and the Biden administrations, on April 10, which declared to establish “global partnership for the future” between Japan and US in equal position and affirmed the need “to enhance interoperability between the U.S. forces and the Japanese Self Defense
On the address at the Joint session of both houses of the US Congress on April 11, Kishida dared to deliver his extremely frivolous policy: “I want to address those Americans who feel the loneliness and exhaustion of being the country that has upheld the international order almost single-handedly. But you are not alone. The people of Japan are with you”. Thus Kishida, in the midst of the death agony of the imperialistic system, stressed his shallow self-proclaiming assertion.

In face of this intensifying situation, the struggle on April 28,
2024, has been carried out vigorously. April 28 is a historic date,
on which in 1952 the Treaty of Peace with Japan coupled with the conclusion of Japan-US Mutual Security Treaty, came into effect. By this historic departure of Japanese imperialism from the post-war period, Okinawa together with the Southwestern islands, however, was forced to remain under the direct US military rule in separation from Japan mainland, which recovered its political independence together with the prolongation of the Emperor System with some modification.
Thus, Okinawa was forced to be “islands of US military bases” as a sacrifice for Japanese revival as imperialism.
In the downtown of Tokyo, students of ZENGAKUREN, gathering from all over Japan with a significant fresh number of newcomers, played aremarkable role both in the assembly and demonstration. The struggle was joined by workers representing the class struggle labor movement
headed by Doro-Chiba, who are fighting against the storm of union busting, Sanrizuka and Shibayama United Farmers Federation against the airport construction, local branch members of Grand March against Constitutional Revision and War and fighting lawyers.
Militant and energetic demonstrators overwhelmed the passers-by on the crowded street with high-raised banners with slogans: “Solidarity with Palestine! Prevent the aggressive war on China! Don’t make Okinawa  US military fortress! Crush Japan-US Mutual Security Treaty! Down with the Kishida administration!”

Succeeding the explosive results of April 28 struggle, we fought
Shinjuku Anti-War May Day in solidarity with the workers of the whole
world with the slogans; “Don’t allow massacre in Gaza! Stop the war in Ukraine immediately! Prevent aggressive war on China! Down with the Kishida administration!” “Prevent the suppression of anti-war struggle, Stop union busting!”
Striking labor union members took the initiative of the speeches in May Day assembly: The hospital workers reported on their struggle against the management who claims “labor productivity” even in the
field of medical and nursing care and denounced Israeli bombardments on the hospitals in Gaza. The municipal workers union members criticized the attempt of the Kishida administration of destroying the local autonomy for mobilization to war.
The demonstrators raised their voices of impeachment in front of the Ironworks company, which is engaged in an attack of firing all workers in a disguised bankruptcy. At the same time, all the participants of May Day, expressed their heartfelt solidarity with the courageous US students occupying the campuses for Palestinian liberation, with their fists up against the rainy sky.

In Solidarity

International Labor Solidarity Committee of Doro-Chiba
