李卓人(Lee Cheuk-yan),鄧燕娥(Elizabeth Tang)夫妻に対する 香港国安法弾圧を許すな!

李卓人(Lee Cheuk-yan),鄧燕娥(Elizabeth Tang)夫妻に対する香港国安法弾圧を許すな!

Stop Persecution of Lee Cheuk-yan and Elizabeth Tang

under the Hong Kong’s National Security Law!

March 22, 2023


The General Secretary of Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions, Lee Cheuk-yan has been behind bars for long period of time due to the Chinese Xi Jinping government’s repression under Hong Kong’s National Security Law.



On top of it, the government outrageously arrested his wife, Elizabeth Tang, on March 9 by the application of the same National Security Law (she is currently out on bail).

This attack has, however, let us know that the struggle for the liberation of Hong Kong continues tenaciously. It also convinces us that the working people internationally united, will never be defeated; sticking together, with strengthened international solidarity, we can defend basic workers’ human rights, revive class struggle labor movement and stop war.


Elizabeth Tang has been acting as the general secretary of the international Domestic Workers’ Federation (IDWF), which organizes 670,000 workers. The IDWF has stood up in full power to support her, issuing the following statement.

IDWF stands with our General Secretary, Elizabeth Tang - International Domestic Workers Federation
We are a membership-based global organization of domestic and household workers. A domestic or household worker is any p...


We condemn the National Security Law.
Together we stand up arm in arm!
Lee & Elizabeth will never walk alone!


International Labor Solidarity Committee of Doro-Chiba (National Railway Motive Power Union of Chiba)
