
Dear Brothers and Sisters from around the globe,

We send our warmest greetings of solidarity and hope, as you continue to fight back against deregulation, privatization, outsourcing, casualization and war being promoted in Japan and around the world. This is a very serious time for many countries because all social institutions are in danger of being privatized, with dictatorial leaders not listening to the will of the people as they move towards war and deregulation, and more people around the world are suffering.

Unfortunately we could not join you this year at your National Workers All out Rally on November 1st, as we in UTLA are addressing the external and internal existential threat that we are experiencing in UTLA, in spite of, or maybe because of, a successful year in 2014-15.
Our membership is feeling energized, empowered and activated after a successful contract campaign around the Schools LA Students Deserve. We were able to win improvements in our schools (such as lower class sizes and more counselors), a 10% salary increase in two years, a more fair teacher evaluation system and more. This 2015-16 school year we have a strategic plan that will guide us in the next two years in 8 important areas that can be summarized as standing for fairness, fighting for resources and investing in our union. We are working together with parents, community and organizations as well as the broader labor movement.

We are restructuring our dues to fill a structural deficit caused by years of neglect, while providing the staff and resources we need to fight the corporate billionaire attack on public education in Los Angeles. Eli Broad, with a net worth over $7 billion dollars, has submitted a plan to deregulate and privatize 50% of LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District) schools. While LAUSD already has the highest number of charter schools in the nation (around 270) he wants to double that amount in a plan that would severely crush public education. The report states that Los Angeles will be a model for other cities across the nation, in moving private money into deregulated charter schools and bringing in novice teachers as education becomes deprofessionalized.
私たちは、長年放置されてきた組合運営の構造赤字を是正し、また億万長者の企業によるロサンゼルスの公教育への攻撃と対峙するための資金やスタッフにかかる費用を捻出するために、組合費の改定を進めています。70億ドルを超える純資産を有するイーライ・ブロード( [注]=全米有数の不動産王で現在ロサンゼルス在住。都市再開発利権のために公立学校のチャーター化を利用している。)は、規制を撤廃してロサンゼルス統一学区(LAUSD)の学校の50%を民営化する計画を提示しました。LAUSDではすでに全国で最もチャータースクールの数が多いのですが(約270校)、ブロードの計画はその数を倍加させるという、公教育を徹底的に破壊するものです。計画書は、規制を撤廃したチャータースクールに民間資金を導入し、教育を非専門職化して未経験の教師を採用するというロサンゼルス方式が、全国的な模範になるだろうと述べています。

The members and leaders of UTLA are being proactive and standing up against Eli Broad, the Walmart Foundation, the Keck Foundation (oil money) and our former Superintendent John Deasy who is now working with Broad. We are receiving generous support and resources from our state and national unions, and we are building broad based public support. Across the nation, there is a movement of teacher unions fighting back against privatization and the corporate business agenda, and our movement is growing.

So we join you in spirit as you continue to organize the country, fight back the destruction of safety and outsourcing, revive militant labor unions and build a nationwide network. We are all part of a global movement of workers around the world.

In solidarity,

12 October, 2015

Arlene Inouye of UTLA
UTLA アーリーン・イノウエ
