International unity to confront the big unemployment and the war!
11.9 all over Japan rally of the workers
HIBIYA outdoor concert hall@start at 12:00a.m.
KAN-NAMA (the solidarity union of Japan construction and transport
@@@@@@ workers KANSAI area branch)
@@@@@@@MINATO-GODO (metal
and machinery workers' union in OSAKA)
@@@@@@@DORO-CHIBA (The National
Railway Motive Power Union of Chiba )
By solidarity of all workers, letfs repel bankruptcy
/ discharge / wage cut / unstable employment / dismantling of labor
law system & social security system.
Now is the time that we workers canft live without uniting ourselves
to fight on. Letfs make up our unity in every working place and
every living place. Let's organize labor unions at disorganized working
places and let's fight against big offensive by big capitals.
Letfs make up the struggle gNo completion of,
No invocation of, No obedience to emergency legislationh! Let's
stop the Self-Defense Force dispatch to Iraq and stop the war of aggression
to North Korea!
The Koizumi government has stepped on a road to war again through the
establishment of emergency-related 3 laws and trying to dispatch the
Self-Defense Force to Iraq.
But in this February, the demonstration of more than 20millions people
and workers in the world burst into flames against Iraqi war. Also in
Japan, gthe land / the sea / the sky / the harbor 20 labor union
groupsh are making up big movement to block the emergency laws.
Letfs enlarge this power and create much bigger anti-war struggle.
Letfs smash arrest attack to KOKURO (the National
Railway Workers' Union) members and let's win in 1047 KOKURO discharge
withdrawal struggle by solidarity of all workers!
Discharge withdrawal struggle of 1047 JNR (Japan National Railways)
workers influences the future of all workers and unions fighting to
revive militant labor movement. Letfs make up a fight to defeat
the surrender of KOKURO (the National Railway Workers' Union) headquarters.
Letfs bring back our 8 brothers of KOKURO who are forced long-term
Letfs smash the police oppression to the labor movement
intended to destroy the right of organization and stop the establishment
of conspiracy crime by solidarity of all workers!
The Koizumi government and the financial world are afraid of united
power of the workers than anything else. Therefore they are escalating
police oppression and labor disputes busting. Letfs keep on fighting
breaking up unfair oppression and laws of oppression.
Letfs develop solidarity and cooperative struggle
of workers across the border of Japan / United States / South Korea!
Solidarity of workers across the border is the road to victory. With
solidarity and cooperative struggle of Japan / United States / South
Korea workers, letfs block the aggression and the war of imperialism.
Let's open up our new age. ILWU (the International Longshore & Warehouse
Union) Local-10 publishes the slogan of "The War At Home &
The War Abroad" and keep on fighting. They consider that domestic
class war and the war abroad of aggression is the one thing. Letfs
make up a nation-wide network of fighting labor unions also in Japan
across the border of National Centers! Letfs acquire international
solidarity of Japan / United States / South Korea workers!
We call for all the people to join in 11.9 workersf rally