Doro-Chiba Supporting Committee Has AGM
6 August 2004

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(Union News "Daily DORO CHIBA" No.5920,)(Japanes)

Doro-Chiba Supporting Committee Has AGM: Towards November Rally!

On 25 July at DC building in Chiba city, Doro-Chiba Supporting Committee (supporters' group) held its Annual General Meeting, attended by 130 people. After a discussion, the committee decided to support Doro-Chiba which, with Osada as acting general secretary following the sad sudden death of Nakamura general secretary, had restarted its voyage to spread its influence in various workers' movement.

- Solidarity Speech From Teachers Who Are Fighting Against 'Disciplinary Action'

The AGM was chaired by a member of West Tokyo DC Supporting Committee, and@opened with the speech of Mr. Hayakawa, an executive of the Committee.

Then AGM heard a passionate solidarity speech from a teacher who had fought against the enforcement of Hinomaru & Kimigayo (emperor's flag and anthem) at the closing and starting ceremony at school this spring, and had been consequently disciplined:

"At the AGM of Tokokyoso, Tokyo High School Teachers Union, held just recently, all the 39 amendments proposed by the disciplined teachers have been approved. This is a good chance to enhance our fight. I have wanted to fight just like Doro-Chiba. It is said that the government will attack education after the railway. The teachers will fight just like railway workers fought".

Mr. Nakamura, president of Keihin branch of Standard Vacuum Autonomy Union, talked about their safety issues:

"We struck on 23 July, the 20th anniversary day of unlawful dismissal. Exxon Mobile had a fatal accident in August last year in Nagoya Oil Tank during remodelling construction which left 6 people dead. We want to fight just like Doro-Chiba fights for safety."

- Eight New Members Proposed A Resolution To Recruit More New Members

Hiroyuki Yamamoto, Secretary-General of the Committee, proposed the draft action plan for 2004, summarized the past year, the present situation, the role of the Committee, and new course of action. The late Nakamura Secretary-General of Doro-Chiba had underlined the importance of the steering committee of the DC Supporting Committee. At the Committee meeting in May this year, he proposed "Doro-Chiba needs to recruit new union members, and its supporters group needs new members". As a result, we had gained numbers of new members and 8 of them stood up in the meeting and received applause.

After the financial report from the secretariat, the AGM selected and approved new steering committee members. There was a speech by re-elected Secretary-General Yamamoto followed by President Tanaka's report of his visit to San Francisco. He said that workers in the US were also building for the November Workers' Rally in Japan.

- Early Settlement Attempt Is Too Subjective

The AGM heard a special speech on the crisis of the JNR1047 struggle "Break the Early Settlement Attempt! Reinstate the Sacked JNR1047!" by Hiroshi Nakano, Regular Adviser of Doro-Chiba. He talked of the danger of an emerging attempt for an early settlement of the JNR1047 struggle, and of the importance of the struggle among Japanese workers' movement to regenerate its militancy. He denounced the early compromise attempt as super subjective optimism with no ground, stressed how important it was to fight for the reinstatements and explained how Doro-Chiba had tackled this matter.

At a convivial meeting afterwards, San-ichi Publication Trade Union, Tokakushin (Metropolitan Innovation Society) and other trade unions and groups gave their greetings. Doro-Chiba members told their determination and thanked the other participants.

The Supporters Committee made a new step forward with the AGM for expansion of the organization and the movement.

DORO-CHIBA (DC): National Railway Motive Power Union of CHIBA
