Your struggle of ILWU is our struggle sharing a common cause!September 13th 2011

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Dear Brother Dan Coffman
President of International Longshore & Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 21

Dear brothers and sisters of ILWU Local 21 and all other union members of ILWU!
We of National Railway Motive Power Union of Chiba (Doro-Chiba), Japanese locomotive drivers’ union, send heartfelt greetings of solidarity to you.

Confronting courageously the ferocious attack of EGT to destroy jurisdiction of ILWU, the heart and soul of a militant labor union, you are militantly fighting and gaining victory step by step, through stopping the scab grain train, sitting on the rail tracks, occupying the yard and many other actions. We are deeply moved and enormously inspired by your struggle.

The attempt of EGT Development, a consortium of Japanese ITOCHU Corporation, Korean STX Pan Ocean co. ltd. and Bunge North America Corporate US, is extraordinary and outrageous : refusing negotiation with ILWU Local 21, dismantling the labor achievement in regard to work conditions, destroying jurisdiction of ILWU and daring to go non-ILWU.

We now realize that jurisdiction of ILWU represents the militant tradition of ILWU for 75 years and reflects fighting spirit of rank and file workers to be masters of their own daily work. We as a Japanese labor union can’t overlook the fact that ITOCHU Corporation (a gigantic wholesaler in a specific Japanese form) shamelessly playing an active role in destroying the militant fortress of US workers in its attempt of disrupting the unity of West Coast longshore workers.

In Japan, Doro-Chiba alone has been successfully blocking the management’s plan of outsourcing the works of inspection and repair of cars for ten years by numerous strikes. Now at this moment, Doro-Chiba Japanese is going to launch a fresh start of a significant struggle which will decide the future of Japanese labor movement.

The March 11th East Japan Huge Earthquake and the subsequent nuclear plant accident have triggered a drastic explosion of the fundamental contradictions of capitalism in the midst of aggravating global economic crisis. It has been revealed clearer a day after another that the only way of survival for imperialism is to promote neo-liberalism further, namely, drastic privatization, outsourcing and casualization of jobs. Especially public service workers are now threatened by the extreme governmental scheme of “bringing 90% out of them into irregular employment”.

JR (Japan Railway) capital has finally decided to launch on October 1st outsourcing of inspection and repair works in a form of disguised contract. Doro-Chiba has already issued a declaration to fight back this offensive together with fighting workers all over Japan and started severe confrontation with management in workplace.

Your struggle of ILWU headed by Local 21 is our struggle. We are fighting against the same enemy. Our struggles have a common cause: to confront desperate and bankrupt capitalist offensive of neo-liberalism by the united power and collectiveness of workers and workers’ union.
We share with you the courageous determination: “We’re all together. We’re all going to jail as a union”. Fight together!
September 13th 2011

President of Doro-Chiba
TANAKA Yasuhiro

DORO-CHIBA (DC): National Railway Motive Power Union of CHIBA
